WEQ. Obstacle Course 2011





1 Riders will be judged on how they negotiate each of the 12 obstacles,

which will be marked out of 10.

2 General aspects will be judged on their performance. ( marked out of 5).

Riders are required to negotiate a number of obstacles at walk and canter.

This course is designed to show the riders ability to control the horses paces correctly and to display trust and empathy between horse and rider and the horse’s response to the riders aids.

The ultimate aim is to ride the obstacles as in a dressage test, showing obedience and collection in walk and canter with the reins in one hand (the left hand) throughout the test.

The horse should be participating with his rider showing no insecurity or hesitation at the obstacles.

Accuracy , continuation and fluency should be demonstrated from one obstacle to the next.

The judging of the Working Equitation should be judged on the Classical principles, that which is without force, showing true empathy between horse and rider and the horse working WITH the rider not FOR the rider.

It is acceptable for novice riders new to WEQ to ride with both hands and use trot instead of canter.

The obstacle test is only one of the 4 phases used in the Working Equitation discipline.

Ask for much, expect little, and reward often

“If  the Rider Can not discipline his own body” He can not Discipline his  Horse.

“Balance the Rider, Balance the horse!”


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