

Founder of  Working Equitation in Australia /Australasia. Gill Kennerley as a qualified international classical dressage trainer, started training Working Equitation in 2002 with Portuguese trainers in the UK.

Arriving in Australia in 2007 she started Working Equitation Australia and began training people in this discipline by holding working Equitation Clinics.

It is now  here in Australia and classical dressage trainers can now be accredited by Gill Kennerley to be trainers /Coaches of Working Equitation here.

Gill Kennerley will be holding W.E. Clinics and Training  at Grose River rd, Grose Wold, and is also available for training and judging on request in other locations.

Gill is available for advice on training, competitions, coaching and anything regarding this discipline.

Riders must have their own current insurance and sign a waiver

Working Equitation Australia

For more information, phone Gill (p)02 45712939

email/ gillkennerley@ymail.com

157 Grose River Rd, Grose Wold, NSW 2753.

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